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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Random Thoughts

You know when you feel that God is leading you to do something? Most of the time it is TOTALLY out of your comfort zone!!! Well, I am in one of those seasons.

Today has been a day of much reflection. In my heart I feel like He is up to something BIG in my life. He is the God of Comfort. He is the God of Healing. But, He is also the God of New Beginnings. Praise Him! Praise Him!

On Sunday, the Preacher preached a sermon about the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus. He said that when we do things or ask things in the name of Jesus, we invoke the power of Jesus in those situations. He said that we need to manage our finances "in the name of Jesus. We need to relate to others "in the name of Jesus". We need to do everything "in the name of Jesus". This is not a new concept. But, it was very profound to me that day... and still is.

I can tell that I am getting tired, because I seem to be rambling. So I will end this post just by saying that I am pondering what God may be up to.... Thank you Jesus for working in my life!


Dianne said...

The Name of Jesus! What a powerful name and we all need to continually seek that power. Great post!

Bookncoffee said...

Yay! I'm a follower. Was nice to see your pic on my follower blog thingie. lol
I guess you saw facebook blocked my blog coming thru on notes. It thinks I'm spamming.

Anonymous said...

I know just what you mean about the comfort zone. I'm praying that the Lord continues to guide you.
Consider this -- whatever God has planned for you is so much more than you could imagine.

Mary (a fellow Alabama girl)